When it comes to music --good tunes can never go out of style. Atlanta is a music hub everyone flocks to in order to let their voices be heard, but it is the true vocalists who are able to fully penetrate our souls --and our pockets. Did you hear the cha-ching with those last concert tickets? Atlanta is becoming an over saturated melting pot of various arts from films, fashion, to keeping the title as the glorious hair mecca! But, music will always be what Atlanta is known for as we are the southern leaders of Hip-Hop. I asked Armando, "A13Mando," how does his music express his soul. As an Atlanta native, I was interested to see how he thinks what he does really reflects his soul.

"My soul purpose in music is to not have my voice be ignored. I feel I was predestined for greatness, and I refuse to let anyone stop me from it. My message of self confidence and freely speaking is something that can never be removed from my lyrics. I was born as an ATLien in the southside of the city. In my hometown, many creatives feel repressed because they are not supported to fully express themselves, in fact it's just the opposite for me.

I can not leave this world, knowing that people still don't understand the power in creative expression. I'm a mediator for the misunderstood, a champion of the people, I Am A13mando."
Handles everywhere: @a13mando